
Otoplasty Plastic Surgeon NYC / Ear Pinning Plastic Surgeon NYC


NYC Otoplasty Plastic Surgeon (Ear Pinning Surgery) is performed by the NYC Plastic Surgeon, Adam Schaffner, MD, FACS, for children age 6 and up as well as adults.  Otoplasty / Ear Pinning Surgery tends to be performed on children to prevent social teasing (which upsets the child )when a child’s ears genetically stick-out too much.

Dr. Schaffner is polite, precise and generous with his time and expertise. Extremely knowlegeable in his field, willing to explain until you have understood, makes sure that results are to your liking, is light with his hands and fluent with his skill. I would recommend him highly for anyone looking to improve their appearance in any way. ~ Google

It is acceptable for NYC Otoplasty Surgery plastic surgeon Dr. Adam Schaffner to perform Ear Pinning / Otoplasty on a young child because ears developed enough by the age of 6. It is actually professionally recommend having the plastic surgery performed sooner (at a young age) as opposed to later because the cartilage is still soft enough to be able to have the best possible surgical result.

Adults also elect to have Otoplasty (“Ear Pinning”) surgery to remedy other conditions besides extreme protrusion, such as:

  • Cupped ear – a very small ear
  • Lop ear – the tip of the ear bends forward and downwards
  • Shell ear – the outer curve of the ear and rim is missing
  • Overly large or stretched earlobes
  • Highly creased or wrinkled ears, non-attractive ear lobes
  • Spock’s Ear – a pointed top and an extra fold
  • Ears are too large or are too small

Otoplasty Plastic Surgery is surgically performed through the back of the ear and does not leave  visible scars (in children or adults). Meaning, their will be no visible scars from the surgery.

 Otoplasty Surgery Recovery:

  • Outpatient surgery – recovery at home
  • Recovery from Otoplasty is generally not painful (even for children)
  • Recommend one week off school/work because of head bandage not because of pain
  • Return to full activity by two weeks except contact sports
  • Avoid direct physical contact for six weeks – with children this includes any sort of head gear

If you have any questions about Otoplasty / Ear Pinning Plastic Surgery or would like to schedule an Ear Pinning / Otoplasy consultation with the NYC Plastic Surgeon please feel free to contact Adam Schaffner MD, FACS.

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