
Breast Reconstruction Plastic Surgeon NYC


Revision Breast Reconstruction plastic surgery is a very common procedure performed by NYC Plastic Surgeon Adam Schaffner, MD, FACS. This is because as more breast reconstruction surgeries are performed, more revision breast reconstruction surgeries are being performed to correct problems that occur at the time the original breast reconstruction is performed.

NYC revision breast reconstruction plastic surgeon Dr. Adam Schaffner is particularly sought after as a NYC revision breast reconstruction Plastic Surgeon for his skill and extensive experience with Breast Reconstruction Revisions (the process of correcting breast reconstructive surgeries that were performed by another plastic surgeon and yielded sub-optimal results ).

If you are looking for a breast revision specialists plastic surgeon in NYC look no further. After many years and 4 surgeries (breast augmentation and lift) and being stuck with less than desirable results, I decided that I had to re do my breasts one more time. After 4 prior surgeries (over decades) I certainly wasn’t looking forward to another surgery with wear and tear on my body, not to mention my savings! I made up my mind that this would be my last surgery, period, on my breasts! Researching for a doctor with the experience to do a redo. I found that most doctors can’t, or wont take on this kind of surgery, if they’re honest. With all my experience at least I felt I knew the right questions to ask, to sort out the type of physician I was seeking, during an initial appointment. I met with Dr. Schaffner and decided that he was the right combination of education, experience, direct and honest answers along with attention to detail. I also received the impression that he was a decent and caring person. It’s only 2 months after surgery and I’m very happy with the results. He’s extremely factitious in his work to the point of creating incisions that are virtually seamless (some redness that I’m sure will be gone in a few months). I highly recommend him for anyone seeking a highly skilled and compassionate plastic surgeon. ~ HealthGrades

Breast reconstruction was most likely first performed because  a woman who has lost a breast due to cancer or another medical condition. Dr, Adam Schaffner, is also a widely sought after Breast Reconstruction Plastic Surgeon in NYC. Please click here to learn more about his remarkable credentials.

Women seek breast reconstruction revision surgery due to a variety of reasons including that they are not pleased with the size of the breasts, they are not pleased with the shape of the breasts, implant deflation, implant rupture, asymmetry of the breasts, they are not happy with the positioning of the breast implants or because complications have occurred such as capsular contracture, rippling, bottoming out, fold malposition, and/or symmastia (otherwise known as “uniboob.”).  In addition, many women are now opting to exchange their saline breast implants for silicone gel implants because silicone gel implants look and feel more like natural breasts. The FDA re-approved the use of silicone breast implants in Manhattan, NYC, and the rest of the United States in 2006.

Revision breast reconstruction surgery is very rewarding for both the patient as well as for NYC plastic surgeon Dr. Adam Schaffner. In the majority of cases, the original breast implants are removed during surgery and replaced with implants that have been approved in size and shape by the patient prior to surgery.  The pocket where the implants were placed by a previous plastic surgeon (under the breast tissue or under the pectoralis major muscle) will usually need to be modified by the NYC Plastic Surgeon during surgery.  Sometimes, the breast implant pocket will need to be recreated.  Other times, some tissue will need to be removed or new tissue will need to be transferred to the breast from the abdominal region (e.g., TRAM flap) or from the back (e.g., latissiumus dorsi flap).  This will allow NYC revision breast reconstructive plastic surgeon Dr. Adam Schaffner to provide the best possible result:  breasts that feel soft and look natural.

All women are concerned with scarring following revision breast surgery.  NYC revision breast augmentation plastic surgeon Dr. Adam Schaffner will do everything possible to minimize scarring.  Dr. Schaffner uses the advanced therapies to minimize the appearance of scars. Depending on your case, NYC plastic surgeon Dr. Adam Schaffner may recommend topical scar care products or silicone sheeting.  In some cases, laser treatments will help improve the appearance of scars. NYC revision breast augmentation plastic surgeon Dr. Adam Schaffner has multiple lasers in his accredited surgery center.  Of course, avoiding the sun and using sunblock are extremely important to avoid any darkening (hyperpigmentation) of the scars.  Using all of these techniques will help scars fade to be imperceptible in the majority of patients.

If you have any questions about Breast Revision Construction or would like to schedule a Breast Revision Consultation Plastic surgery consultation with the NYC Plastic Surgeon please feel free to contact Adam Schaffner MD, FACS.

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